This is the submission form to accompany the consultation document on the proposed reforms for vocational education and training. Please use the consultation document to help you answer the questions.

There are no compulsory questions in this consultation.

The Information you share in this consultation is being collected to further develop policy options for the reforms of Vocational Education and Training. It will be used by the Ministry of Education, the Tertiary Education Commission, and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority for analysis of options and a report on the themes of submissions.

Your full submission along with your name will be published on the Ministry of Education website in line with a transparent decision-making process.

If you consider that we should not publish any part of your submission you will have the opportunity to indicate which part of your submission should not be published and why, for example privacy or commercial sensitivity reasons.

Submissions may be subject to requests under the Official Information Act 1982. The Official Information Ac requires the release of information unless there is good reason under the act to withhold it. We will consult with you before releasing any information that you request not be published.

If you indicate your submission should not be published, please provide us with your email address so we can contact you in the event an Official Information Act request is received in relation to your submission.

Demographic questions, such as your ethnicity or region, are optional and your response will not be published with your submission. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of analysis.

You can find more information about the Official Information Act at

If you have any further questions, wish to request a copy of your personal information, correct your personal information, or withdraw your submission you can do so at

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understood the privacy statement

Question Title

* 2. I do not want my submission or certain parts of my submission released on the Ministry website - please indicate the parts of submission and give reasons for redaction below and provide your email address