For a Te Reo Māori version of this survey, please click here: Te Reo Māori survey.

Long-term insights briefings are a statutory requirement for government departments, are developed independently of Ministers, and are not current government policy or related to current government initiatives.

The Ministry of Education I Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga is proposing to explore, through our next long-term insights briefing, how advancing technology can support the education system to be flexible, adaptable and relevant to the population it will serve in 10 – 20 years. We are seeking views through this survey on the specific issues and opportunities that should be explored. You can skip any questions you would prefer not to answer.

Supporting information and background can be found here: Long-term insights briefing

Privacy statement
Responses will be used to inform what the briefing focuses on. The information will primarily be for internal use but may be released more widely. You will not be identified in the report, but your responses may be anonymously quoted.
We will ask you to provide your email address if you wish to be contacted by Te Tāhuhu as part of this survey. This is optional. If any identifiable personal information is provided, it will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
We will also ask you some questions about your background and demographics to give us a sense of who has had their say in this survey and who we might not have heard from. All questions are optional to answer.
Responses to this survey may be subject to public release under the Official Information Act 1982. If we receive a request and release your responses as part of this, we will seek to protect your privacy – including not disclosing your identity – to the full extent permitted under law.
Your responses will be retained while we complete our final briefing and for a further six months after that and will then be deleted.

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* 1. Please select all that apply:

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* 2. Please select which sector/s you are most interested in and/or associated with:

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* 3. Ethnicity data – Are you (select all that apply):

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* 4. How do you think digital technologies could make the most difference to education in 10 to 20 years?

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* 5. What are the biggest challenges to using technology in education?

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* 6. What would need to change to maximise the benefits of digital technologies in education?

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* 7. Do you think our long-term insights briefing should focus on the opportunities digital technologies offer for: students and their families; teachers and teaching; wider system issues; or something else? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. If you would like to provide reasons for your selection(s) in question 7 and/or discuss further, please do so here.

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* 9. Do you think our long-term insights briefing should focus on the opportunities digital technologies offer for: early learning; schooling; tertiary; or the whole system? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. If you would like to provide reasons for your selection(s) in question 9 and/or discuss further, please do so here.

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* 11. If you have any other comments about our draft long-term insights briefing, please add these here:

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* 12. If you would like to be contacted for further questions if required, please leave a contact email here: