Whakatakinga | Introduction
Kua tae atu tātou ki tētahi tino tohu panuku i runga i tā tātou haerenga ki te whakapakari i te Marautanga ā-Motu. Ko te whāinga ia, kia mahea, kia hanganga, kia taunaki te tūāpapa, ā, kia whāriki hoki te ‘science of learning’. Ko te āhua o ā mātou mahinga ngātahi i te rāngai mātauranga, he whakahou i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA).

Mā te rangahua i waenganui i ngā rangahau mātauranga me ngā mōhiotanga o te hunga aroākapa e whai ana mātou ki te whakarāwai i te kauneke me te tutuki haere a ngā tauira me ngā ākonga. Nō reira, e kimikimi ana mātou i ōu mōhiotanga me āu whakahoki kōrero whaihua e pā ana ki te whakahoutanga o te wāhanga ako Pāngarau tau 9-13.

We have reached an important milestone on our journey to strengthen the National Curriculum, so it is clear, structured, evidence-based and grounded in the science of learning. Our joint work with the sector includes redesigning Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA).

By leveraging both academic research and your frontline insights, we aim to enhance student and ākonga progress and achievement. We are now seeking your informed insights and valued feedback on the new draft Years 9-13 Pāngarau wāhanga ako.

Ahunga | Approach
E arotahi ana te puka whakahoki kōrero ki te Tūārere 4 mō ngā Tau 9-10, me te Tūārere 5 mō ngā Tau 11-13 o te hukihuki o te wāhanga ako Pāngarau. Kua whakaritea he āputa mō āu whakahoki kōrero ki ia kaupeka o te wāhanga ako, me te whai wāhi ki te tuku mai i tētahi kōrero whakahiato hei whakakapinga.

E tika ana kia hāngai ōu whakaaro ki te hukihuki o te wāhanga ako rā hei tohutoro i tō pānui haere ki roto i te puka whakahoki kōrero. Tēnā, tīkina te tohutoro ki: https://Pāngarau Tau 9-13

Kei roto anō hoki i tēnei puka mōhiotanga, he kōrero āpiti e pā ana ki te hukihuki o te wāhanga ako, arā, ko ngā āhua kua mōhio kē koe me ngā āhua hou, ngā whakaahuatanga, ngā hāpai e wātea ana, te rārangi wā, me ngā hātepe hei whai haere. Nā reira, tirohia: https://Pāngarau Tau 9-13

The feedback form focuses on Tūārere 4 and 5 (Years 9-10 and Years 11-13) of the draft Pāngarau wāhanga ako. There is space for you to provide feedback on each section of the wāhanga ako, and an opportunity for you to give overall feedback at the end.

It will be helpful to have the draft wāhanga ako available for reference as you progress through the feedback form: https://Pāngarau Tau 9-13

Further information about the draft wāhanga ako, including what you will recognise and what is new, its presentation, available supports, timelines, and what’s next, can be found in this information sheet: https://Pāngarau Tau 9-13